

As Controller I will work to make our office a model of transparency and efficiency. This includes updating and improving the online systems and tools for accessing county contracts and financial documents, implementing position based budgeting, and creating new tools and dashboards for visualizing county data.


As a City Council member, I never backed down from big fights, and as Controller that won’t change. No official or organization is too big or politically connected to avoid scrutiny.  I will ensure that the public’s tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively by conducting regular audits and investigations as well as working with other county departments to enforce compliance.


My goal is to take the office of County Controller off Grant Street and into the community. Since taking office my staff and I have hosted town halls across Allegheny focused on property assessment support. Over the next few years, we will expand this program to cover senior support, utility support, and general consumer advocacy.


Our office has a responsibility to the taxpayers to ensure that politicians keep their promises and root out inefficiency and corruption. However, I believe that the Controller’s office also has a responsibility to move beyond pointing out problems and provide actual solutions to move Allegheny County forward and build a better, brighter future for everyone.

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